
Welcome to the CFUW Salt Spring Island Club Web Site

The Canadian Federation of University Women (CFUW) Salt Spring Island Club (SSI) was founded in 1997. It is a member of the Canada-wide CFUW. 

When and Where We Meet
Members plan to get together once a month September to May at 10:00 am.   The program may consist of a brief business meeting followed by speakers on a variety of topics.  Please refer to the Program Web page for current meeting dates and locations. For more information please email info@cfuwssi.ca .

Special Interest Groups are an integral part of the Club’s activities.  Our Interest groups remain the Bursary group and the Hope Group.  We hope to form more groups in the future.

What We Do as Part of  CFUW

  • Promote high standards of public education in Canada, advanced study and research by women, and a sound concept of lifelong learning.
  • Advocate for the advancement of the status of women, human rights and the common good locally, nationally and internationally.
  • Promote cooperation, networking, support and understanding among women.
  • Encourage and enable women to apply their knowledge and skills in leadership and decision-making in all aspects of the political, social, cultural, educational and scientific fields.
  • Administer a scholarship/bursary fund known as the CFUW SSI Scholarship/Bursary Fund in accordance with the Club Scholarship Policy.
  • Administer the HOPE project – an initiative that helps disadvantaged girls in countries around the world complete their secondary education.  To minimize overhead costs, we partner with the Commonwealth Countries League Education Fund.